Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and see yourself as unlimited!What would you be doing? Thinking? Feeling? What does “unlimited” mean?It means that you live from your Higher Self and not from your ego. The ego says:You can’t do itYou’re not good enoughYou’ve made so many mistakesYou are so much better than anyone elseLifeContinue reading “Unlimited!”

Adventure in Renovation
They said we will start right after Christmas and by mid January it will be all done!Not quite!First there was a machine that broke down,then a flood in the shopthen of course SNOWand bad traffic” we won’t make it today”and so on and so on! Life is just like that! We are promised that withContinue reading “Adventure in Renovation”

Self Love
Self Love! Yes absolutely! Self Love is very important! Taking care of yourself,Getting your hair and nails done,Going for a massage.Exercising and eating well All good things you can do for yourself! One more thing that is primordial! Loving yourself the WAY YOU ARE NOW! Don’t let the scale or the wrinkles tell you whenContinue reading “Self Love”

Which G channel are you on?
Do you take a few minutes every morning to tune yourself to the right channel? Or are you permanently tuned to the Grievance Channel? You are looking for the Gratitude Channel: ” The world I see is my state of mind projected outward.” ACIM Fill your mind with positive and uplifting thoughts and the worldContinue reading “Which G channel are you on?”

Are You Hiding?
So many of us are hiding from so many things, past events or emotions we don’t want to look at or feel. Let me give you an example:there you are minding your own business and all of a sudden this thought pops into your mind: “Remember the time that all laughed at you. It wasContinue reading “Are You Hiding?”

Want More Energy?
Say yes to: There is one more thing that I think tops it all! Keeping your heart open! There you are having a chat with a neighbor and he says something you don’t like. Your heart closes. You start judging that person in your mind. You start feeling angry or anxious. Notice energy dipping. YouContinue reading “Want More Energy?”

Love Mode or Fear Mode?
It happens. You are stuck. What shall I do? Where shall I go?What should I say? What would fear say? That’s crazy! You can’t do that?They won’t like itI don’t know enoughIt’s way too hard.He’s awfulWhy bother? What would love say? Breathe you’ve got thisIt’s wonderful look how far you’ve comeThey will adore youHe’s doingContinue reading “Love Mode or Fear Mode?”

Birthdays! Why do we have birthdays? To celebrate who we areHow far we have comeHow much we have learnedHow good our life is! I was cleaning out a cupboard in my office It was like taking a trip into the past.The courses I took in 2010 ,2015, 2019All the notesAdd to that the marketing bindersThe yogaContinue reading “Birthdays!”

Love our body!
Summer is here and it’s shorts and swimsuit season. Be honest now! Look at yourself in the mirror and on a scale of 0 to 10How much do you love your body?10 you love it totally0 you do not love it at all and anywhere in between _____/10 Do you realize that unless you appreciateContinue reading “Love our body!”

Love to Live
I just came back from a 280km walk from Porto Portugal to Santiago de Compostela Spain.What an incredible adventure! Here we are at the arrival in Santiago after 14 days spent together, walking beaches, hills, villages, highways and forests, sharing accommodations and meals and comparing blisters! What fun we had! We loved to live! WeContinue reading “Love to Live”

Forgiveness is a Lifestyle!
What does forgiveness have to offer?So much!! This is what happens when you decide to forgive your own mistakes, or someone else’s mistakes, What happens when you spend a minute or a day being angry at yourself or someone else? Forgiveness has a big part in the technique I use with my clients.It comes inContinue reading “Forgiveness is a Lifestyle!”

Who Lied to You?
Who Lied to You? Last week I wrote about limiting beliefs and how important it is to let them go! If you are feeling unwell physically or emotionally take a few minutes to sit down and answer these questions: That voice in your head has to be nurturing for you to feel good. Remember who youContinue reading “Who Lied to You?”

The One-Inch Move
The One-Inch Move The year I turned 50 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME.The doctor had come to this diagnosis by an elimination process. He could not really explain the intense fatigue accompanied by a variety of strange symptoms: pain, digestive issues, inability to drive at night. No cure he says justContinue reading “The One-Inch Move”

Everyday Rebirth
What if everyday you could be reborn as a new version of you? How would you choose to be?How would you behave?What would you say or do? Interesting idea! I asked myself that question this morning and here is my answer: I would be reborn as loving and patient, supersmart, amazingly creative, loving, strong, aContinue reading “Everyday Rebirth”
Reclaim Yourself!
Do you sometimes wonder what would have happened if you had been loved and guided the way you needed and deserved to be when you were a child?I have thought about that often. I know now that I love art and I love words but as a child I was so often discouraged for myContinue reading “Reclaim Yourself!”
I Love Money
What are some of your beliefs about money? Money is the source of all evil?Money doesn’t grow on tree?You have holes in your pocketsI never have enough moneyMoney is hard to come byI don’t deserve a lot of moneyI’m not good with money I am sure you could add more to this list. Some ofContinue reading “I Love Money”

What’s your Bully’s Name?
You may have decided that this is the year: Your Bully looks at you and says: You got a name for it? The Terrorizer?The Zapper?The Destroyer? In any case I am sure you could do without.Isn’t it time you got rid of it?What would you like to replace it with? The Encourager?The Limitless?The Possible?Jack theContinue reading “What’s your Bully’s Name?”

What is Your Daily Chant?
We are all like monks in a monastery chanting away to the glory of the god of What is your daily chant? Words have power.Your life is a testimonial to what you think about and what you sayIf you want to go into a new direction, get chanting differently: Do NOT tell it like itContinue reading “What is Your Daily Chant?”

I Rebel!
Yes I rebel!2023 will not be a year of piling on the to do’sI rebel!2023 will not be a year of rushing to accomplish more and betterI rebel!2023 will not be a hectic year I rebel2023 will not be a year where I wallow in perceived mistakes Because!I rebel!I rebel against What is 2023 for? 2023Continue reading “I Rebel!”

Letting Go of 2022
Anything happened in 2022 that you would be delighted to let go of? Our bodies bear the weight of our emotions.We have in us an innate Intelligence that makes sure our heart beats continuously, our lungs function perfectly and our immune system performs at its best. When we are angry, sad, overwhelmed or miserable everyContinue reading “Letting Go of 2022”

If Only…
I had a better houseI had a different jobI had a nicer boyfriendI had more moneyI had a different body I would be happier I am sure that you probably have said that in your life at one point, I know I have. The next boyfriend, job, house won’t be any different unless you decide toContinue reading “If Only…”

Problems Have Memories Attached to them! In the last newsletter I wrote about how we develop the skill of being good at something we don’t want( thus deserving a medal!!!)For example: Why would we develop such a skill?How do we do it?What can we do to change it? Any one of these behaviors is always connectedContinue reading

What’s Your Specialty?
If you have been a client of mine you know that I give a medal or a trophy or even a crown to my clients depending how good they are at what they do. Robert G Smith says: “The reason we have problems is that we are good at them.” 2 very important questions toContinue reading “What’s Your Specialty?”

What do I see?
Have you ever had days where you woke up sad, depressed or discouraged and for some reason it seemed to get worse as the day went along?I know I had such days in the past where it seemed that everything that happened or everyone I met just added to my misery! I don’t get theseContinue reading “What do I see?”

Long Summer
The picture above was taken at a wedding I attended in the summer. Here you see my whole family 6 brothers and 2 sisters with their spouses. I was shopping a little while ago and this lady had her mask on and said: “Hi Lise! How are you?”I was surprised and I did not recogniseContinue reading “Long Summer”

Can you Refrain from Giving THIS Meaning?
What annoys you a lot? He almost ran me over with his truckShe is always lateWhy does she have to complain again?He never puts his cup in the sinkThey never talk to usShe must be angry at meIt’s been raining for 10 days You get my point. What do you usually do when anyone ofContinue reading “Can you Refrain from Giving THIS Meaning?”

Meeting the Yogi of Wall Street
Last Wednesday night at the Gala de la Palme Bleue ( sponsored by the BC French Chamber of Commerce) I had the honor of meeting Erik Giasson aptly name the Yogi of Wall Street. He gave a presentation entitled “Choose to Succeed”! Erik Giasson, Coach | Le Yogi De Wall Street | erikgiasson.comA very interesting character:Continue reading “Meeting the Yogi of Wall Street”
How does a Negative Emotion Turn into Stress?
Simple!Negative emotion is STRESS when we let it control us Any negative emotion such as anger, disappointment, hostility, resentment, frustration, sadness comes at a price when entertained longer than we need to. The other day a friend and I were jogging and she was explaining to me how disappointed she was with someone’s reaction to commentsContinue reading “How does a Negative Emotion Turn into Stress?”

Making Peace with Your Mother
For years I thought my mother did not like me.As a child I suffered from her many criticisms of how I looked and behaved and her total indifference to how I felt.I developed an underlying sense of anger and a non-existent sense of self worth colored with an unhealthy dose of anxiety about just aboutContinue reading “Making Peace with Your Mother”

Stress versus Kindness
Stress versus Kindness Stress wears you out! It makes you sick, makes you look and feel older!Wouldn’t it be nice to minimize your reaction to stress? Think of one instance where you felt stressed this week! Now replace the stress with kindness: ex: I was very stressed when I went for my driver’s license ReplacingContinue reading “Stress versus Kindness”

Do You Want to Be Happy?
Do you want to be happy? Are you sure? What do you get out of being unhappy?Sympathy? Attention? An Unhappy Club membership? An identity?I can’t be happy because I don’t have enough money, I’m overweight, I don’t have the degree!!! If I used my Famous Magic Wand and granted you the happiness you seek whatContinue reading “Do You Want to Be Happy?”

Unfairly Treated?
Sometime life is unpleasant. That’s a fact! When something unpleasant happens, your mind might look for someone else to blame: ” It’s all your fault!” It’s just not fair!” “You( they, the world,)are treating me wrong” I need to find a culprit for my misery:He’s guiltyI’m innocent hereYou are doing this to meIf only she’d changeContinue reading “Unfairly Treated?”

Imagine just starting your day and all is well . You have set the course for the day.You are energetic, positive, creative, enthusiastic and loving it! Moving along just wonderfully!Smiling and feeling confident! Then here comes a curve ball: A co-worker dismisses your idea Someone else totally ignores you You can never finish this projectContinue reading “C.C.C.”
What Are You So Good At?
She was so at good at being angryShe had gotten the medal, the trophy, the diploma.She had even be crownedThe Queen of Anger they called her! She had learned her art very young from her family andperfected it throughout her lifeShe hid it wellShe knew it did not work but could not let it goSheContinue reading “What Are You So Good At?”

#1 Problem
We run from what we feel?We don’t like what we feel?We would do anything to not feel what we feel? What do we do ? We eat itWe drink itWe smoke itWe overwork itWe shop it We hold it inside our bodyThen the body has had enough and says “Stop”You have the headache, the stomachContinue reading “#1 Problem”

Love or Lose?
I was married three times. When I was young I had strange ideas about love! Then I met my husband to whom I have been married for 40 years. Was he perfect? Was I perfect? You know what? We were perfect for each other.We both needed to grow and mature emotionally and spiritually and our relationshipContinue reading “Love or Lose?”

Trauma? Can You Be Free of It?
Someone told me that her mother kept telling her 4 kids that she never wanted children.Yes that is a trauma Someone was always criticized continually “for their own good”.Yes that is a trauma Someone was laughed at continually and given a derogatory nickname Yes that is a trauma Someone witnessed their mother being insultedYes that isContinue reading “Trauma? Can You Be Free of It?”

Reboot! Recharge!Relax!
Last week in JanuaryTime to come up for air!All your projects are underwaySome have fallen out of the wayYou are ready for sunshineNone on the wayShall we whine or wine? Take time everyday to come home to yourselfTake time everyday to accept the you that showed upMay be not so brilliant or kindMay be generousContinue reading “Reboot! Recharge!Relax!”
From HS to HS
How many times have you said: “Holy Sh…T I’ve done it again!”? You are overdrawn again?You just put your foot in your mouth again?You lost another friend? lover? husband?Another accident!One more bad choice! And you wonder why this happens to you all the time! One theory is that when you were very young something happened,Continue reading “From HS to HS”

Ready for a Miracle?
Even better, a miracle filled day? You need to be in Practical Love! Practical Love works: in personal relationships in work relationships In neighborly relationships Practical Love: Get things done Attracts co-operation Soothe your nervous system Keeps you healthy Increases your vitality Gives you a life of ease and joy When am I in practical love?WhenContinue reading “Ready for a Miracle?”

Heart Space
Heart Space What happens when you have a disagreement with your colleague, your husband, girlfriend? Do you consciously keep your heart space open?Do you automatically close it? Are you waiting for them to say “sorry”?Do you retreat in your “huff and puff” attitude” “How dare she?”Do you shut them out for a few hours, daysContinue reading “Heart Space”

Unmute Yourself
Unmute Yourself! In the last year and a half we have come to live in this zoom universe for meetings, classes, seminars, family gathering and yes even a gala!We often hear this sentence: “Unmute yourself!” or “You’re on mute!” Of course you click and there you are! Everyone can hear you! Wouldn’t it be niceContinue reading “Unmute Yourself”

Re-Inventing Yourself!
I attended a virtual gala last night for the Vancouver French Chamber of Commerce and the guest speaker was Nicolas Duvernois. You can find out more about him at: https://www.duvernois.com/ He is the founder of Creative Spirits a vodka company. He was telling us that when the pandemic hit last year his company switched from making vodkaContinue reading “Re-Inventing Yourself!”

To Anger or not to Anger?
Like me you might have been raised in a family where anger was not acceptable.It was one of these emotions that you swept under the carpet!In my first marriage my naïve self thought that if I was always “nice” never complained or never said what I really thought it would all work out!Did not! HereContinue reading “To Anger or not to Anger?”

An Abundant Life
Do you have enough health or enough love, enough success or enough money? You sometimes meet people who seem to have an abundance of everything. They are happy, relaxed, confident. They often seem to attract good things in life, theyContinue reading “An Abundant Life”

Doing or Being
Yes we all have our to-do list and we do do do all day long going from one task to the other and checking them off! Check! Done! We get a lot of “doings” done and we are wonderful and organized and tired!!!!! How about adding some “Being” to your day? Stop between 2 doingsContinue reading “Doing or Being”

Doing or Being
Yes we all have our to-do list and we do do do all day long going from one task to the other and checking them off! Check! Done! We get a lot of “doings” done and we are wonderful and organized and tired!!!!! How about adding some “Being” to your day? Stop between 2 doingsContinue reading “Doing or Being”

An Abundant Life
Do you have enough health or enough love, enough success or enough money? You sometimes meet people who seem to have an abundance of everything. They are happy, relaxed, confident. They often seem to attract good things in life, they get the good deals, they meet the right people, they seem to be at theContinue reading “An Abundant Life”

IC Face to Face
Facing your inner critic! I co-existed with mine for years. Our relationship wasrocky to say the least. Sometimes I would fold under the weight of its constant criticism and put downs:” You can’t do that “” You are too stupid ” ” You can never do anything right “ ” You’re too old “At other times itContinue reading “IC Face to Face”

Too Many Lemons?
Too Many Lemons? Is life giving you too many lemons these days? Yes too many!! First there’s Covid Then I’m stuck at home Plus I gained 10 pounds Did I mention that I am running out of money? And to top it all I just hurt my foot Hard to find fun in life these days?You are rightContinue reading “Too Many Lemons?”

Trance or Transcend?
In Faster EFT/eutaptics we recognize that the stories we tell ourselves over and over put us in a “trance”.It is very similar to being hypnotized. We constantly repeat in our heads the same thing over and over. It’s his fault I’m not smart enough My mother did not love me I am really bad atContinue reading “Trance or Transcend?”

Loving YOU!
Yes to taking care of your body, yes to exercising and eating smart, yes to getting your hair and your nails done! All that is important for self-love! But to truly love yourself you must not tolerate anything that disturbs your inner balance!Let me explain: You think someone is criticizing you You think you should haveContinue reading “Loving YOU!”

Shift Gears
You have been in a killer mood for a few hours, or a few days or even a few weeks.Something happened, someone did or said something or you did or said something and quickly your mood degenerated from ok/fine/ going along, to anger, resentment, desire for revenge and utter hopelessness! How to shift gears quickly?Continue reading “Shift Gears”

Forgive? Why?
Do you want more energy?Do you want more health?Do you want more fun in your life? Forgive! Why? Imagine carrying in your mind and body the weight of years of resentment and anger? Imagine the wear and tear on your body! Imagine the time wasted where you could have been enjoying life? Forgiving does notContinue reading “Forgive? Why?”

Start With a Bang!
Yes! Why not start you day with a bang? A Big Bang! The way you start your day sets the tone for the day!What’s your style? Stay in bed until the last possible minute and then rush like mad!Get up and tackle your e-mails or your to-do list as soon as you hit the ground?GetContinue reading “Start With a Bang!”

Addicted to Drama?
Ok I have to admit that when I was younger (much) I was addicted to drama. My life seemed to be a never ending run from drama to drama! What did I get from that? The attention I craved The adrenaline I craved The pity I craved Topics of conservation? In any case it didContinue reading “Addicted to Drama?”

Can I Loose Weight with Faster EFT/eutaptics?
Another question first: How to we gain weight? Diets Stress Old programs Unaddressed traumas I know people who have tried dozens of diets. They work for a while, from Atkins, South Beach to Keto and WW but as soon as the person quits the diet they return to their old ways of eating without theContinue reading “Can I Loose Weight with Faster EFT/eutaptics?”

Choose Peace!
I was reading the Course in Miracles. On one day it was written : “There is another way to look at the world” ; and the next day it said: “I could see peace instead of this”. I challenged myself to use this sentence for one whole day: I could see peace instead of fearContinue reading “Choose Peace!”

Are Your Expectations Flying Too High?
OK, you’ve made plans: I want this (have more success, loose weight, have a special relationship). A. I am doing thisB. This will happenC. and then this will happenD. Then all will be well and I will be happy It sometimes happens like that and very often it does not! Don’t get me wrong! ThereContinue reading “Are Your Expectations Flying Too High?”

Can You Train Your Body to Feel Good?
“What an idea! My body hurts period! I have no control over that?” Remember the placebo effect: you give someone a sugar pill she thinks she is getting a pain killer and voila the pain goes away! When you feel pain what do you do? Cringe Tighten up Put yourself down for something you did or didContinue reading “Can You Train Your Body to Feel Good?”

What Kind of Magnet Are You?
Are you attracting in your life what you want?Are you attracting in your life what you don’t want? When are you the best magnet you can be? When you choose to think the best about someone or about a situation When you make peace with all the people in your past When you continually approveContinue reading “What Kind of Magnet Are You?”

Your Future You
At the end of this year why not create Your Future You? A future you that makes you thrilled to look at! May be this future you is healthier or stronger May be this future you is happier May be this future you has a new or better relationship May be this future you is better at managingContinue reading “Your Future You”

Aging Fearlessly!
What do you need to age fearlessly?You need physical fitness, cognitive fitness, emotional fitness and social fitness! + courage and resilience. You might think that you are doomed to die young because of your genetic inheritance or your personal story of illnesses and accidents. Wait a minute! Did you know that aging has 30% to do withContinue reading “Aging Fearlessly!”

Are You Hooked?
If you have been in a miserable mood for a few days, you are hooked.If you have been beating yourself up, you are hooked.If you are focusing on someone else’s faults, you are hooked.If you are in panic mode, you are hooked.If life is hopeless, you are hooked. Can you see yourself dangling from theContinue reading “Are You Hooked?”

Sleep: Friend or Foe?
Do you find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night incapable of getting back to sleep?If you have been stressed during the day your body might still be in a fight/flight state.A great way to sleep better is to manage your stress all day long with tapping. Tapping is an awesome way toContinue reading “Sleep: Friend or Foe?”

You’ve Got the Power
I am driving to the grocery store early morning and I stop at the stop sign. This young mum on bicycle with 2 boys in tow also on their bikes is letting me go first. I signaled for her to go first and she insists. Ok! I go and as I passing in front ofContinue reading “You’ve Got the Power”

LSD Anyone?
I bet I got your attention?What am I talking about?Am I into drugs? At my age? Seriously? LSD stands for Long Slow Distance. It is a running term. When you run, it is an excellent idea to mix short runs at a faster pace and long runs at a slower pace.I did LSD on Monday.Continue reading “LSD Anyone?”

Feeling Fantastic, Fit, and Fearless
For many years I was chronically stressed, unhappy, angry and unwell!What happened? How did I go from one to the other?What was my tipping point? My tipping point came when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I could not get out of bed.This is when I started my life long search to becomeContinue reading “Feeling Fantastic, Fit, and Fearless”