Love Mode or Fear Mode?

It happens. You are stuck.

What shall I do? Where shall I go?
What should I say?

What would fear say?

That’s crazy! You can’t do that?
They won’t like it
I don’t know enough
It’s way too hard.
He’s awful
Why bother?

What would love say?

Breathe you’ve got this
It’s wonderful look how far you’ve come
They will adore you
He’s doing his best
What an excellent experience
This will do you good

Sometimes that’s all it takes one short moment to ask this question before taking a step forward.

Living your life from this position is the best way to be at peace, joyful and to create your best life!
Let LOVE be your guide!

If you are in the grip of fear take time to tap and switch position!!!

Love always expands your horizons!

Have an expanded week
