We run from what we feel?
We don’t like what we feel?
We would do anything to not feel what we feel?
What do we do ?
We eat it
We drink it
We smoke it
We overwork it
We shop it
We hold it inside our body
Then the body has had enough and says “Stop”
You have the headache, the stomach ache, insomnia
Wouldn’t it be easier to just STOP and deal with the emotion
The emotion is not bad in itself, nothing wrong with anger, sadness, guilt or fear.
The problem arises when you entertain it too long! You start joining groups and you talk about it and slowly you become it ” The sad lady or the depressed lady or the angry man!
Try this instead:
Take a deep breath
Feel it where you feel it
Tap and let it go
Here are the points:
Have a wonderful week-end!
Only take the good emotions along leave the rest behind!!
Be Healthy and Happy!