Problems Have Memories Attached to them!

In the last newsletter I wrote about how we develop the skill of being good at something we don’t want( thus deserving a medal!!!)
For example:

  • I am so good at getting angry and saying things I later regret
  • I am so good at panicking
  • I am so good at spending too much money
  • I am so good at being hard on myself

Why would we develop such a skill?
How do we do it?
What can we do to change it?

Any one of these behaviors is always connected to one or more memories.

Here is an example:

 I am so good at being hard on myself.
What are some of your memories around this?

  1. As a child I was never good enough, I was often criticized by my mother
  2. I came home with 95% , it wasn’t enough.
  3. My mother said my drawing was ugly

My subconscious mind acquired early the program” ” You are not good enough”. As a child you cannot understand that your mother wanted you to be happy and in her mind happy meant being perfect. She did only what she knew about raising children.It was her way of loving you. Not her fault!

So what do you develop as a means to keep you safe and close to your mother?

You get very good at criticizing yourself and finding all kinds of ways you can put yourself down.

In eutaptics, the principal therapeutic method I use with clients:

  • we identify the problem ( what we don’t want),
  • we recall memories and emotions associated to that problem and then proceed to transform and re-imprint both the memories and consequently the emotions associated to them.

Then you start noticing that you behave differently, you become softer, more accepting, more tolerant, kinder to yourself and to others also!

And that is wonderful! Your life gets better and better all the time! People notice: “Gee ! What happened to you you are different!. You look so happy!”

Have an excellent week!

Picture: running with good friend Angela!