What’s your Bully’s Name?

You may have decided that this is the year:

  • You will  embark on a spiritual journey
  • You will start and stay on a fitness program
  • You will get a better job
  • You will improve your relationship

Your Bully looks at you and says:

  • Who do you think you are?
  • You? Being fit? You ain’t got that in you girl
  • You’ll never succeed, it’s above your abilities
  • You’ve tried this before, see where it led you

You got a name for it?

The Terrorizer?
The Zapper?
The Destroyer?

In any case I am sure you could do without.Isn’t it time you got rid of it?
What would you like to replace it with?

The Encourager?
The Limitless?
The Possible?
Jack the angel? You decide

Next time you sense that your Bully is hanging around take a minute to 
remind it that you know longer need it and that  you are choosing ___________ instead.
____________ loves you and thinks you are awesome! Trust Him!

Tapping will come in handy to get the emotions down and support you in making the best possible choice.

Happy Bully Free week!