I attended a virtual gala last night for the Vancouver French Chamber of Commerce and the guest speaker was Nicolas Duvernois. You can find out more about him at:
He is the founder of Creative Spirits a vodka company. He was telling us that when the pandemic hit last year his company switched from making vodka to making hand sanitizer. He was able to re-invent himself and survive this challenging time along with his employees. A most inspiring speaker and presenter!
His message? Re-inventing yourself is a state of mind; that state of mind is “curiosity” !
How would you like to re-invent yourself ?
A happy, creative, focused
- Artist?
- Business person?
- Mother?
- Wife or husband?
- Gardener?
- Singer
- Practitioner?
- Athlete?
1. Pick one and STOP!
Be curious and take a few minutes to imagine what that would look like:
What do you see? ( You smiling!)
What do you hear?( Well done!)
What do you feel? ( Pride! Joy!)
Tap in a few rounds to anchor these wonderful feelings!
2. Without ifs and buts take one small step in that direction; weed one corner, make one phone call, give one compliment, sing that song, do 1 push up! Feel that success! You might even be inspired to do more!
You have just re-invented yourself!
It is not a make over it is a “choose over”!
The world changes as you change your mind about yourself! You CHOOSE your own reality my friends!
Choose your happiness over and over! Choose the thoughts and behaviors that give you that happiness and don’t let the world around you dictate how you see yourself! Choose first!
Re-Invent Yourself at every moment of the day!
How would I feel if…….?