Everyday Rebirth

What if everyday you could be reborn as a new version of you?

How would you choose to be?
How would you behave?
What would you say or do?

Interesting idea!

I asked myself that question this morning and here is my answer:

I would be reborn as loving and patient, supersmart, amazingly creative, loving, strong, a miracle worker, calm, quiet and confident.

I put in my order in at 6:55am
My order was ready to download at 6:55am

You can start the day everyday with a new blueprint for who you are and how you want to show up in the world.
Take a few minutes every morning for yourself.
Picture how your day will go
Ask your Higher Self to support you in this vision.

You can tap away any doubts or fear you may have.

I am READY world! Here I come!!

Have a loving week my friends 
