Can you Refrain from Giving THIS Meaning?

What annoys you a lot?

He almost ran me over with his truck
She is always late
Why does she have to complain again?
He never puts his cup in the sink
They never talk to us
She must be angry at me
It’s been raining for 10 days

You get my point.

What do you usually do when anyone of these scenarios pops up?

You might add more to the event and turn it into a “thing” with a story attached to it
And to the story there are some emotions that come up 
You might be a pro at catastrophizing and turn it into a Netflix drama

In any case in the course of a day there might be many occasions to react to these.
And everyone of them drains you of your energy because it takes too much real estate in your brain.

One way I have found to stay in equilibrium and not let any of these annoying events get to me is to say to myself:

“I am not giving this any meaning”.

And if I get caught in one I ask: “What meaning am I giving this?”

And I joyfully let it go and enjoy my day!!!

Let me know how you do!

Have a healthy and relaxed week!
