Do You Want to Be Happy?

Do you want to be happy?

Are you sure?

What do you get out of being unhappy?
Sympathy? Attention? An Unhappy Club membership? An identity?
I can’t be happy because I don’t have enough money, I’m overweight, I don’t have the degree!!!

If I used my Famous Magic Wand and granted you the happiness you seek what would you say?

  • Sorry I’m just too busy!
  • I don’t deserve that
  • That’s for others not for me
  • I don’t believe in this stuff
  • We are here to suffer
  • I tried it once didn’t work!

What did you learn about happiness growing up?
What are your beliefs around happiness?

What if happiness was the reason you were on this earth?
What if happiness was available to you now?
What if you could let go of your past and live intensely in the moment would that make you happy?
What if your could learn happiness? And get good at it?

Here are some tips to welcome happiness into your life:

  1. Find something to be grateful for every day
  2. Live with enthusiasm: go all out! Enjoy every thing you decide to do!
  3. Let go of fear and doubts you have adopted as a way of coping( TAPPING always helps!)
  4. Be compassionate and tolerant; put yourself in people’s shoes.
  5. Choose love always; the moment you choose love you let go of stress and feel happy!!!

On this Easter week-end let us all resurrect to our Happy Self the one self we were meant to be!!!

Blessings Always