Imagine just starting your day and all is well . You have set the course for the day.
You are energetic, positive, creative, enthusiastic and loving it! Moving along just wonderfully!
Smiling and feeling confident!
Then here comes a curve ball:
- A co-worker dismisses your idea
- Someone else totally ignores you
- You can never finish this project today
What happens to that earlier mood?
All of a sudden you feel rejected, angry, overwhelmed and what else?
That’s when you want to use your CCC your Constant Course Corrector
How to do that?
- Acknowledge the emotion( Tap, always a wonderful idea)
- Forgive instantly( the co-worker, the work, the boss, the weather, ) Let it go!
- Ask your Higher Self to redirect you in the right direction” I want to stay relaxed and energetic!”
You keep on with your day and it ends up being all in all an excellent day!
You are not carrying around a ton of anger and disappointment that is bound to drag you down!!
Have an excellent week!
Use your CCC
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