Like me you might have been raised in a family where anger was not acceptable.
It was one of these emotions that you swept under the carpet!
In my first marriage my naïve self thought that if I was always “nice” never complained or never said what I really thought it would all work out!
Did not!
Here are some misinformation about anger: (Inspired from” The anger workbook” Lorraine Bilodeau)
- Anger = accusation or disapproval
- Anger is dangerous
- Ladies don’t get angry
- Anger is bad
- The other person is responsible ( you are always responsible for your emotions!)
What I have learned:
- Anger is an human emotion. It is normal to be angry at times
- Anger must be accepted and dealt with. Do not pretend you are not angry.
- Anger and uncommunicated feelings build up
- If you project your anger on someone else you are the one who suffers
- Being angry and screaming ranting and raving does not work
- Being angry and acting out is a learned behavior
- Being angry is OK attacking the other is not OK
What works:
- Sit, breathe and acknowledge that you are angry
- Do deep breathing counting from 30 to 0
- Tap and let go ” I let go of the desire to attack” until you feel calmer
- When calm and at an appropriate moment you could say to the other person:
“This is what I am feeling and I am not saying it’s your fault. I am sharing this as part of my healing in order to release it and move forward.”
( Marianne Williamson)
Relationships need honesty! You are partners not adversaries!
Say what you have to say, forgive yourself and forgive the other and move on!
Life is too short to stay angry! Sail on my friends!!!
Have a peaceful week!
To be successful at healthy relationship it is recommended that you take time to let go of your past, of your wounds and of all the ways you deny love to yourself and others.
Faster EFT/eutaptics is a splendid method to achieve that!
Be healthy! be happy and TAP everyday!!!