In Faster EFT/eutaptics we recognize that the stories we tell ourselves over and over put us in a “trance”.
It is very similar to being hypnotized. We constantly repeat in our heads the same thing over and over.
- It’s his fault
- I’m not smart enough
- My mother did not love me
- I am really bad at relationships
- If only I had not made that decision
And so on and on and on…
Trances are normal: we are constantly in trance. Just remember the last time you drove somewhere and you did it so automatically that you don’t even remember driving there!!! When you do something really well and don’t even think about it you are in a trance.
Trances depend on what you hold inside; if you have had plenty of negative experiences, you have plenty of negative references and you can develop many negative trances.
Trances are the automatic result of wrong perceptions. We perceive ourselves or others a certain way and we get stuck in a groove like an old record. We get so good at them that we develop an identity around the accompanying beliefs. “Yep that’s me, the unloved one, the less than, the always sick.”
Quick way to transcend the trances:
- Acknowledge that you are in your trance: the first sign that you are in a trance is usually feelings or emotions: you feel sad, discouraged, depressed, angry, hopeless.
- Ask the following question: “What have I been telling myself over and over?”
- Use tapping to get the emotions down
- Ask : “How could I perceive this differently?”” How can I see him or her differently?”
- Forgive yourself and move on with you day.
By using the above suggestions you can help yourself to a change of mood and attitude.
Out of trance feels so much better!
Trance or Transcend? Always a choice!!