Yes to taking care of your body, yes to exercising and eating smart, yes to getting your hair and your nails done! All that is important for self-love!
But to truly love yourself you must not tolerate anything that disturbs your inner balance!
Let me explain:
- You think someone is criticizing you
- You think you should have more success
- You think that what he did was hurtful
- You think that it should not rain today
- You think that it’s her fault
- You think that life sucks
- You think that you made a mistake
What do these thoughts have in common?
These thoughts have one thing in common: they don’t make you feel good!
When you don’t feel good your whole body is affected: headache, sore stomach, fatigue, pain here and there, feelings of rejection, sadness ,anger or shame!
Best tip on loving you always: As soon as your mood seems threatened stop and forgive
- Forgive him, her, the weather, yourself, life, Covid !
Forgiveness puts you in the driver’s seat:
When you forgive you open your heart to the other: deep down we are all alike! We are all looking to be loved and appreciated.
You forgive yourself constantly no one is perfect and we all struggle at times.
When you back away from all theses disturbers you are preserving your peace of mind and your sanity.
I encourage you this week to give this idea a try: forgive all day long and see how you feel and people will comment” Gee! you are looking good! You look so happy!”
Must be the new face cream!
Have a happy and healthy week my friends!
Tap everyday!