Shift Gears

You have been in a killer mood for a few hours, or a few days or even a few weeks.
Something happened, someone did or said something or you did or said something and quickly your mood degenerated from ok/fine/ going along, to anger, resentment, desire for revenge and utter hopelessness!

How to shift gears quickly? Who wants to stay in such a negative state for very long?

The trick here is to recognize that you have been triggered, that you are now in your story, that you are falling back to your comfortable ( think old slippers) way of dealing with the world.
Feel what it feels in your body, that old familiar tightness in your chest or the headache or neck pain.

Once you realize that anger or helplessness is taking roots in your mind you have a few options:
1. Option 1: keep it for a definite short while: let’s say 10 minutes and ask it “Do you have a positive intention?” May be that sore neck is a sign that you need to slow down.
If you did not get the promotion you wanted you can stay angry for a while but decide when you will stop being angry.

2. Option 2: feel it , look up and using the tapping points below, tap  and say ” I let it go, it’s safe to let it go, I am safe as I let it go, I am happy to let it go. Tap a few rounds until the negative emotion dissipates.

3.  Then, choose another emotion:( gratitude, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, compassion, love , joy, peace)  the opposite of what you are feeling and begin to act the way you want to feel: you choose kindness for example and you decide to be kind to yourself by taking yourself out for a walk. You could choose joy and play some joyful music or remember a time when you were joyful.

In any case you always have a choice; you don’t have to stay in a low gear for very long!

Have a healthy and happy week!