Forgive? Why?

Do you want more energy?
Do you want more health?
Do you want more fun in your life?



Imagine carrying in your mind and body the weight of years of resentment and anger? Imagine the wear and tear on your body! Imagine the time wasted where you could have been enjoying life?

Forgiving does not means that what happened was ok or that what someone did was fine!
It simply means that you are letting go of that event or person’s power over you,

You give yourself a gift that’s what forgiveness is a big wonderful gift to you!

When I work with clients the first step is to go back to the past briefly to identify the source of anger or sadness or hopelessness and to remove the emotional power from events so that these events no longer bother you.
 Next step is forgiveness and the last step is a good rewrite of that event!

IT is a wonderfully liberating feeling!

You know who else needs forgiving? 

Forgive all your mistakes
Forgive your body
Forgive your friends, exes, family, children, parents
Forgive your lack of forgiveness
Forgive your poor decisions
Forgive every day and always!

Forgiveness is a health practice just like eating well and exercising
By replacing complaining, whining,  blaming, criticizing, nagging with forgiveness of self and others you lighten up and your body and your mind benefit greatly!

Looking for more energy and fun?
Forgiving is a good way to go!!!

Have a Healthy and Happy week!
