Addicted to Drama?

Ok I have to admit that when I was younger (much) I was addicted to drama. My life seemed to be a never ending run from drama to drama!

What did I get from that?

  • The attention I craved
  • The adrenaline I craved
  • The pity I craved
  • Topics of conservation?

In any case it did not work to get me what I wanted it only made me miserable and sick! It left me on the sideline looking at happy people and wondering what they had that I did not have?

Why would one be addicted to drama?

Here are a few reasons:

  • Choosing the drama queen role is often a learned behavior: who in your family taught you how to be like that? Mother? Sister? Friend?
  • What good thing do you get from taking on that role? Love and attention? Pity?  Extra affection? A surge of adrenaline?

Like all addictions the rush is followed by the down and then you might feel, depressed, sad, angry and you easily blame life, others, or whatever is handy.

How to let go of that role and just be your wonderful you?

  1. When you see/feel/hear yourself dramatizing STOP
  2. Ask yourself: what am I getting from this? Where else can I get that? Ex : get the adrenaline rush from exercising, get the attention by doing just that paying attention to yourself and appreciating yourself. Write a list of 25 good things about yourself and have that list ready to read.
  3. Take control use tapping to get you back to balance
  4. Do some deep breathing until the rush passes and balance is reset!

Every time you refuse to engage in drama or with dramatic people you re-enforce your choice to be happy and in control of your life!

Keep drama for TV and live your life in joy and quiet contentment!

Have a happy and healthy week!
Keep on tapping! You’ve got this!
