At the end of this year why not create Your Future You?
A future you that makes you thrilled to look at!
- May be this future you is healthier or stronger
- May be this future you is happier
- May be this future you has a new or better relationship
- May be this future you is better at managing life
- May be this future you smiles more and worries less
Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
Imagine yourself 6 months from now having what you want?
What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel?
Feel the resistance to having it:
- It’s too hard
- I just don’t have what it takes
- I have failed before
- It’s just who I am
- Good things never happen to me
Then take a few minutes to tap on all these resistances:
Next step is to create what you want in your mind:
What does that stronger, happier person looks like? What is she doing? Saying and feeling?
Be her NOW in your mind
Write down 3 small steps that that New YOU is taking:
My dear friends the more she exists in your mind the more she exists period!
You ‘ve got to create her! Make her the best!
The Future Me?
Happy! Healthy! Wealthy and Wise!
Happy New Year!